Friday, March 9, 2012

Loosed in the Fire (Daniel 3)

This morning while praying, I asked God to put on my heart what my next post should be.  "How about you actually do what you SAID you were going to do...Daniel 3"...enough here I am.

I got the idea of looking closer at the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego after watching Joyce Meyer the other night. LOVE HER!  She only made a small reference to it, but it sparked an interest.  Once again, after reading it I thought, THIS ONE IS LOADED!!  So here we go!

First, read the Story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3) (<<<click the title) .  Not that you don't already know it, but one good read deserves another...ok...that and even the overview was a little lengthy, and I want to get right to my reflections!! 

My biggest revelation while reading this story is how GOD CAN LOOSE US IN THE FIRE

In verses 20-21, it says that Shad, Mesh, and Abed were BOUND in all of their clothes before they were tossed into the furnace.  They were tied up.  But when they came out of the fire they were not bound (verse 26).  My thoughts?  God does some of the BEST work on us when we are going through the fire  and bound by our circumstances or situation, or even people.  I used to think that I would have to go through, and then AFTER I have gone (or go) through, that's when God would do the healing, reveal things to me, humble me, cause me to believe and trust Him more.  BUT, like Mesh, Shad, and Abed God will complete the process of loosing me from the situation, from my past, from people, from the enemy, and even from ME, when I am IN THE FIRE!  It's up to me to KNOW the difference and act accordingly after I have gone through.  I think many times after we go through, we don't even realize (at least I don't) that those binds are no longer there.  We are conditioned to not being able to function.  We are conditioned to cry, worry, be mad, and just be a down right complete mess.  But when we realize that God has loosed us, we can be free of those feelings.

My second biggest revelation is that after going through the fire, GOD CAN BRING US OUT ON THE OTHER SIDE, SHOWING NO SIGNS OF GOING THROUGH !
In verse 27, Nebuchadnezzar (I wonder did he EVER learn how to spell his's awful) and his men were in awe at the fact that Shad, Mesh, and Abed showed no signs of being in the fire.  They didn't so much as SMELL like smoke...AWESOME!  It made me think...we are the same way.  When we go through the fire, and are delivered, God is so awesome at healing us that we never show any signs of going through.  Other people hear or know about your situation, and would be willing to bet their last dollar that you will surely look and/or feel like heck while and after you are in the fire.  You would be amazed at what kinds of fires I've gone through in my past, yet the smell of the smoke is not there.  It's like God has some kind of holy Fabreeze that takes care of that stench..."Heavenly Mist".  

I also thought about those people who like Neb and the crew are LOOKING and SMELLING to see if the signs of being in the fire are on you.  You know? Those people who are attracted to awkward smells, like gasoline, and magic markers that can actually make you high.  I believe there are some people (however awful they may be) who actually get high off the smell of your smoke.  They love when you show signs of being in the fire.  In fact, they would much rather be around you for their own high, than to be around you when you have been delivered with no signs.  Sounds crazy huh?  But I KNOW people like this.  If you have someone in your life like this, my advice...GET AWAY FROM THEM...ASAP! (***DING, DING, post subject...Letting Go of People in a Godly Way)          


I don't know about anyone else, but being lonely when you are going through makes the experience that much more painful.  But, I think of it like this.  If He wouldn't have given his life, the pain we feel would probably be 100 times worse...of course I'll have to remind myself that the next time I'm going through.  Jesus is right there saying, "CALL ON ME! I'm the GREAT COMFORTER, THE GREAT LISTENER! You are in a state of confusion and turmoil in the presence of the PRINCE OF PEACE!"          

There are various other verses that jumped out at me, as I read this.  Some of the reflections that popped in my head were:

1) When I am asked to do something that is out of the will of God, I DO NOT have to justify why I have decided not to do so, even when others are questioning my God, and my faith. (Verses 15-16)Nebuchadnezzar ridiculed Shad, Mesh, and Abed and asked them if their god could deliver them from him. They simply said to him..."It is not necessary for us to answer you on this point".  How many headaches could I have saved myself if I would've just taken their approach with people who try to back me into a corner about my God, or my choices..."It is truly not necessary for me to answer you on this point"...I need to remember that one!

2) God can make sure that the very people who try to toss you into the fire, be the first ones to get burned. (Verse 21)
Of course we know that vengeance is not ours it's His.  And of course we do not take pleasure in seeing others suffer.  BUT, I know I have had PLENTY of it "it serves you right" thoughts towards people that I know have wished ill will against me and it ended up backfiring on them. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying...

3) God sends His Son to walk with us in the fire!  And not only can you see Him, but other people (even nonbelievers) can see him too. (Verse 25)No explanation needed for this one!

I'll end this post with one of the last lines of this story, spoken by king Nebuchadnezzar himself, the one who wanted everyone to bow to his image in gold, the one who taunted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego about their God, and the one who thus decided to have them thrown into the furnace for not doing so.  But even he had to admit...


1 comment:

  1. Girl, you have no idea how much I needed this today and will more than likely refer back to this post!
